Tuloh International

Elevating Lives Through Global Careers and Economic Mobility

Products and services

Tuloh International is committed to fostering economic mobility for all individuals by facilitating access to quality employment and income opportunities, thereby improving the lives of both individuals and their families. Our focus lies in training and placing young individuals into international careers, with a special emphasis on opportunities within the United Kingdom, United States, and the European Union, which might otherwise be out of reach. Through our global hub and network of affiliates across Africa, Tuloh International strives to address the pressing issue of youth unemployment and underemployment on the continent. Our goal is to bolster African nations in their efforts to address these challenges and create pathways for sustainable economic growth.


Our programs, have made a significant impact on the global labor market, with over 106,020 graduates across 18 countries since 2015. With an 86% job placement rate within six months, graduates swiftly enter the workforce, collectively earning over $1 billion since 2015. Prioritizing sustainability, our initiatives yield lasting well-being outcomes, maintaining employment for 74% in high-income, 98% in upper-middle, and 58% in lower-middle income countries. We ensure graduates receive a living wage for 2-5 years, aligning with World Bank standards, contributing to their long-term financial stability. Overall, our programs empower graduates with skills and resources to thrive in the competitive global labor market.

Why Invest in Tuloh?

In the UK, ONS data has revealed that nearly one third of UK businesses are experiencing labour shortages after an increase in economic inactivity post-pandemic. The number of workers has declined by 545,000 in what has become known as ‘The Great Resignation’, a drop that has worsened inflation and limited public service funding. While in Africa, one-third of Africa’s nearly 420 million youth (aged 15–35) as ‘unemployed and discouraged’, another third as ‘vulnerably employed’, and only one in six as being in wage employment, noting that ‘youth face roughly double the unemployment rate of adults, with significant variation by country’.


